Collection: My Hero Acadamia
"My Hero Academia," also known as "Boku no Hero Academia" in Japanese, is a popular manga and anime series created by Kohei Horikoshi. It is set in a world where individuals with superhuman abilities, known as "Quirks," have become commonplace, and it follows the journey of a young boy as he aspires to become a hero. Here is a general description of the series:
Plot: "My Hero Academia" is set in a world where the majority of the population possesses Quirks, unique superpowers that can range from simple abilities like enhanced strength to complex and exotic powers. The story revolves around Izuku Midoriya, a Quirkless boy born in a society where having a Quirk is the norm. Despite his lack of powers, Izuku is determined to become a hero like his idol, All Might, the greatest hero of all.
Izuku's life takes a dramatic turn when he encounters All Might and inherits the legendary hero's Quirk, "One For All," which grants immense strength. With his newfound abilities, Izuku gains admission to U.A. High School, a prestigious academy for aspiring heroes. There, he faces rigorous training, forms friendships, and battles formidable villains as he works toward his dream of becoming a pro hero.
My Hero Acadamia:Bravegraph #1 Vol. 1 Izuku Midoriya
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My Hero Acadamia: Break Time Collection Vol. 2 Katsuki Bakugo
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My Hero Academia: Break time Collection vol.3 (Todoroki Shoto)
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